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Your Action Makes
a Difference

Our non-profit organization provides free services to anyone affected by seizures.

Sharon's Ride.Run.Walk.

Register today as a race participant, volunteer or event partner! Our annual, family-friendly community day at the bay takes place on Sunday, April 13, 2025 at Crown Point in Mission Bay, San Diego. Over 1000 members of our epilepsy community and allies rode, ran, walked and fundraised with us in 2024, and our hope is to have as many or more join us this year. Sign up today and get active for epilepsy!

Project UPLIFT: Sign Up for Our Spring Session

Project UPLIFT is a free program that helps adults with epilepsy learn skills to reduce symptoms of depression and to improve their quality of life through a combination of mindfulness and proven Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. Our Spring session meets from 12:00pm–1:00pm on Wednesdays, from March 5, 2025, to April 30, 2025, except for March 19. Fill out our interest form today!

College Scholarships: Now Accepting Applications

Applications for college scholarships for the 2025–2026 academic year are now being accepted! The Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego County provides scholarships to multiple college undergraduates, as well as manages two in-memoriam scholarships. Find out today if you’re eligible and apply by May 1, 2025.

Cookies & Cupid

Thank you to everyone who attended, participated in, volunteered, donated and sponsored Cookies & Cupid, our free, family-friendly educational forum hosted Saturday, February 1, 2025 at Academy of Our Lady of Peace. As parents and caregivers learned how to best navigate the educational system with epilepsy, kids and teens spent their time working on age-appropriate crafts and decorating cookies for friends and loved ones.

Sharing your individual story has healing and transformative power

Share Your Purple Power by submitting to #MyEpilepsySDStory, our year-round initiative that provides a space for people in San Diego who are impacted by epilepsy to share their personal epilepsy journey. By amplifying our purple power through personal journey stories, education and awareness, we can foster a united community that breaks down stigma and empowers everyone in their journey. Together, we have the power to shine a light on the incredible strength of the epilepsy community and make a lasting impact for epilepsy awareness.  


Epilepsy affects people of all ages, races and ethnic groups.

It is the fourth most common neurological disorder.

million people

live with active epilepsy in the U.S.

San Diegans

live with epilepsy.

1 in 26


will be diagnosed with epilepsy.

1 in 10


will experience a seizure.

Our Mission

With your help, The Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego County improves the lives of people affected by epilepsy through education, advocacy, research, and connection. 

Our Programs
& Services

Our wide array of programs and services serve people living with epilepsy, families, friends and caregivers.

All of our programs and services are offered at no-cost.

24/7 Helpline

Seizure First Aid

Frequently Asked Questions

We can help anyone interested in or affected by epilepsy. This includes:

  • People living with epilepsy
  • Caregivers and friends of someone with epilepsy
  • Anyone who simply wants to learn more about epilepsy

Please call our office at 1-619-296-0161 to speak with a staff member about our programs and services, to learn more about epilepsy and to participate in our events.

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm

All of our programs and services are always offered at no cost.  

Gingerbread City 2021 Sponsors: